How many times have you heard or said “Clean your plate?” It started with the formation of the Clean Plate Club in 1917. During World War I, food was too scarce to waste. The problem is, eating more food than you need adds inches to your waist. That’s even worse for us.
Currently 36.5% of adult Americans and one in six children and adolescents are affected by obesity. Cleaning the plate when we’re no longer hungry adds to those numbers and hikes the costs of health care. The answer is to reduce food waste while you reduce your waist.
Here’s how.
Eat smaller portions. One way is to use smaller plates. They fill faster with less food yet still look like a full meal.
Another way is to take ONE spoonful of everything, eat it all, and then see if you want seconds. Chances are you won’t.
Dining out? Share a plate with someone. Most restaurant servings are plenty for two. If that’s not possible, divide your food into two halves and take half home. That way you get two meals for the price of one.
Putting food on your waist really is the biggest waste!
Learning to eat a healthy portion is a life style change. We can not be expected to make that change overnight, so practice is needed to ensure success.